Untitled, 2016, toffee castings of five fruit and vegetables, rope, iron chain. various in size.
Untitled, 2016, toffee castings of five fruit and vegetables, rope, iron chain. various in size.
Toffee castings of five fruit and vegetable hung on hooks. 2015. Photography by Brent Edward.
Toffee castings of five fruit and vegetable hung on hooks. 2015. Photography by Brent Edward.
Toffee castings of five fruit and vegetable hung on hooks. 2014 - 2015. Photography by Brent Edward.
Toffee castings of five fruit and vegetable hung on hooks. 2014 - 2015. Photography by Brent Edward.
Toffee castings of five fruit and vegetable. 2014 - 2015. Photography by Brent Edward.
Melted toffee puddle on the floor
A moth in toffee puddle. 2015. Digital Photograph.
Toffee puddle on the floor. 2015. Digital photograph.
Melted toffee on a table. 2015. Photography by Brent Edward.
Time-lap video of the toffee castings installed at the exhibition space over two days
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